The Difference Between Conservatives & Moderates
What are the differences between Conservatives and Moderates?
How are Conservatives and Moderates similar?
Are You Conservative or Moderate?

More About Conservatives
Conservatives score higher on economic freedom but lower on personal freedom. For example, conservatives generally support honest entrepreneurship and free enterprise but think that too much personal freedom breeds widespread immorality. Conservatives thus worry that excesses in personal freedom can lead to cultural or civilizational decline.

More About Moderates
Moderates (sometimes referred to as “centrists”) score neither particularly high nor particularly low on either economic or personal freedom. That’s because moderates tend to be pragmatists or otherwise think about issues on a case-by-case basis. As with any other type, moderates can ‘lean’ progressive, conservative, libertarian, or authoritarian — it’s just that those leanings aren’t extreme.
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