Snarky or Sarcastic Put-downs Can Turn People Into Permanent Enemies
(From the Persuasion Powerpoint section in Volume 19, No. 18 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
Have you ever been in a political argument where the other person acted like you hadn’t made a single
valid point?
Ever debated morality or economics with someone who ignored everything you said?
Frustrating, isn’t it?
Beware. This is the moment in many political conversations where you or I turn to put-downs: insults, rude remarks, or sarcasm. These remarks will stick and sting. They will hurt.
Instead of a forgettable political discussion, you will leave them with an unforgettable put-down. Perhaps one that’s unforgivable.
People remember rudeness. They remember those who inflict it on them. And they tell their friends all about it.
Is this the way you want libertarianism and you to be talked about?
So, instead of lashing out — smile, thank them for an interesting discussion, say goodbye, and walk away.
Talk politics with someone else. A person who is receptive and responsive to libertarian economics or politics.
That’s the way to win people to liberty.

* * * * * * * *
Michael Cloud’s latest book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion.In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.

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