Liberty in This Season of Giving
(From the Persuasion Powerpoint section in Volume 19, No. 25 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
Want to give your family and friends a gift they’ll treasure?
Want to shower them with values beyond measure?
Freely email them three or four of the most thought-provoking libertarian essays that you’ve read in the last six months. From the Liberator Online,, FEE, Reason, the Libertarian Party, or other sources you like and trust.
Freely email them links to the best SHORT (4-8 minutes) persuasive libertarian videos posted on YouTube.
Buy and give them copies of a personal, practical, and principled libertarian book.
Choose one that’s appropriate for where they are in their interest in liberty. Some suggestions: Libertarianism in One Lesson, David Bergland’s acclaimed short introduction to libertarianism. Healing Our World, Mary Ruwart’s warm-hearted and well-documented look at libertarianism, or Short Answers to the Tough Questions: Expanded Edition, her essential resource for libertarian activists. Jim Cox’s entertaining and enlightening book of economic haiku, The Haiku Economist. Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion and Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion, my two books on the best ways to persuade others to embrace libertarianism. These and many more are offered at the Advocates for Self-Government online store.
Give the gift of liberty to those you love.
It’s the gift they will cherish year after year.

What do you think?
Rate the degree to which government authorities should intervene on this issue:
Most likely

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