Why Isn’t the Libertarian Movement Bigger and More Successful?
(From the Persuasion PowerPoint section in Volume 19, No. 3 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
Reading diet books won’t make you thin.
Reading exercise books won’t make you fit.
Reading libertarian books won’t make you free.
If you want small government and freedom, you must act.
Not just once. Regularly, repeatedly, relentlessly.
In 1995, I gave speeches at a number of Libertarian Party state conventions. After one of these speeches, a man in his thirties asked me, “Why aren’t there more women here?”
“How many women did you bring?” I asked.
“None,” he said.
“How many women did you invite?” I asked.
“None,” he said.
“How many women did you tell about this Libertarian convention?” I asked.
“So, what’s your answer to your question? Why aren’t more women here?”
“Because I didn’t tell them, I didn’t invite them, I didn’t bring them…” he answered.
Why isn’t the libertarian movement bigger?
How many people have you shared libertarian ideas with in the last seven days?
How many people have you forwarded libertarian essays and articles to in the last seven days? How many times have you shared libertarian ideas, essays, and articles with each of them?
How many people have you invited to sign up for a free subscription to the Liberator Online?
How many people have you invited to support the vital work of the Advocates for Self-Government — so the Advocates can reach and teach more people?
What have you done to bring more people into the libertarian movement in the last seven days? What will you do to make the libertarian movement bigger in the next seven days?
Why isn’t the libertarian movement more successful?
In the last seven days, what have you done to make it more successful?
Have you used Advocates tools — like OPH and the World’s Smallest Political Quiz — to effectively reach new people and bring them into the liberty movement?
Have you done volunteer work for a libertarian political campaign? Have you donated to the campaign — so they can reach more people?
Reading diet books won’t make you thin.
Reading exercise books won’t make you fit.
Reading libertarian books won’t make you free.
If you want a bigger and more successful libertarian movement, YOU must act.
Not just once. Regularly, repeatedly, relentlessly.
What are YOU going to do?

What do you think?
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Most likely

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