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How could theater and the arts survive without government funding?

Published in Ask Dr. Ruwart - 1 mins - Oct 25
Question: I consider myself ideally a philosophical (and political) libertarian already, even though I’m only 15 years old. However, I have a passion for theater and the arts. What would happen if we eliminated funding for the arts? How would theater and the arts survive if it weren’t funded and supported by the government? arts Answer: In a libertarian society, the theater and the arts would be supported through private patronage. However, such a society would be much wealthier than we are today (see my book, Healing Our World, available from the Advocates (2003 edition) or as a free download (1992 edition) at for details). The wealthier the society, the more it spends on the arts. Consequently, the arts should flourish in a libertarian society.

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