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Contrarian Writers Get Published and Read Way More Often

Published in Communicating Liberty - 2 mins - Aug 13
(From the Persuasion PowerPoint section in Volume 19, No. 13 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) Contrarian Writing Look for issues where 80%, 90%, or more of the writers and readers disagree with you. Where conventional opinion is overwhelmingly against you. Brainstorm the key 3 to 6 reasons why you’re right and they’re wrong. Sketch out 10 or 20 headlines for your essay or letter. Pick the headline that absolutely, positively summarizes your strongest point — the one they’re wrong about. Then, lead your letter or essay with the strongest reason of your 3 to 6 for your point of view or against theirs. Give an example or two of how or why your point is right — or theirs is wrong. Second paragraph, use your second strongest reason. Give an example or two. Third paragraph, use your third strongest reason for your position or against theirs. And so on… until you reach 500 words. Max. Then sign your name — and email it or post it at the website. Do not pretend or fake disagreement just to get published. Do not make up bogus reasons for disagreement. Look for issues where you DO disagree with the overwhelming majority — and have good reasons for why you do. Contrary opinions attract readers and commenters. Contrary opinions trigger responses. Contrary opinions get noticed. Sometimes it pays to disagree. * * * * * * * *
Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion Michael Cloud’s latest book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion. In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.

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