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Author: Michael Cloud

Questions to Open People’s Minds to Liberty

(From the Persuasion Powerpoint section in Volume 19, No. 5 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) When you discuss politics or economics with others, do you ask thought-provoking libertarian questions? Or do you make statements? Do you invite them to consider new possibilities? Or do you just argue? What if certain provocative questions could get others to let down their mental defenses and impartially consider libertarianism? Would you be willing to experiment with several mind-opening libertarian questions — and see what results you get? Try these. “What if the situation is the opposite of what people in government say it is?” “What if marijuana prohibition and the Drug War don’t contain or hold down drug use? What if they drive it up?” “What if they have it backwards?” “What if drug cartels and drug gangs don’t cause more drug use? What if drug prohibition and the War on Drugs promote and strengthen the cartels and gangs?” “What if drive-by shootings are the result of drug prohibition, not drugs? How many drive-by shootings have we seen by alcohol distillers and brewers in the last 80 years?” “What if the government ‘cure’ is worse than the disease?” “What if the 2009 federal government bailout of Wall Street businesses caused more economic harm to taxpayers who footed the bill and other Wall Street businesses than liquidating the reckless, riverboat-gambling businesses would have?” “What if tax-funded federal government propping-up of overpriced houses and inflated home loans made things worse for taxpayers and home buyers who were prudent and frugal and did NOT recklessly gamble their earnings and savings?” “What if government non-involvement results in quick, efficient, inexpensive private-sector solutions?” “What if, left alone by government, most social or economic problems were solved by private charity, private enterprise, and private ingenuity — at no cost to taxpayers?” “What if, with NO government involvement, most social or economic problems were dramatically reduced or solved by the men and women and families in the private sector?” Want the people you talk with to examine and embrace libertarian answers? Why not ask them thought-provoking libertarian questions like those above?
* * * * * * * * Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian PersuasionMichael Cloud’s latest book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion.In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.

How to Strengthen Your Voice and Prevent Hoarseness

(From the Persuasion Powerpoint section in Volume 19, No. 4 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) If you’re a libertarian candidate, public speaker, or seminar leader, you need a strong, reliable speaking voice. Not just for two or three 20-minute talks. But for six hours to nine hours of speeches, conversations, and questions and answers each campaign day. Each seminar day. How do you protect or treat your voice against raw throat, hoarseness, and voice fatigue? For years, professional speakers have used throat lozenges, cough syrup, throat spray, and other over-the-counter remedies. Results? Temporary, minimal relief. “Not nearly good enough,” thought Steve Chandler, a longtime public speaker and seminar leader. He looked for and finally found an all-natural, reliable and free solution. What is it? “Sing… for an hour a day,” urges Mr. Chandler. “Before I started my singing practice, I didn’t have much of a voice at all. Now I never have a problem with my voice. I can always fill the auditorium with it, even if the AV system goes down and the microphone goes out.” When does he practice? When he runs errands, he plays music CDs in the car — and sings along with them. Sometimes when he works out, he plays the music on his iPod — and sings right along. Skeptical? I was. So I put it to the test. For the last 20 days, I’ve sung along 60 minutes each day — to my favorite rock and pop singers. My voice has gotten stronger, more clear, and I have NO rawness or hoarseness. Try it yourself. You’ll love the results. * * * * * * * * But It Now!Michael Cloud’s latest book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion. In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.

Why Isn’t the Libertarian Movement Bigger and More Successful?

(From the Persuasion PowerPoint section in Volume 19, No. 3 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) Reading diet books won’t make you thin. Reading exercise books won’t make you fit. Reading libertarian books won’t make you free. If you want small government and freedom, you must act. Not just once. Regularly, repeatedly, relentlessly. In 1995, I gave speeches at a number of Libertarian Party state conventions. After one of these speeches, a man in his thirties asked me, “Why aren’t there more women here?” “How many women did you bring?” I asked. “None,” he said. “How many women did you invite?” I asked. “None,” he said. “How many women did you tell about this Libertarian convention?” I asked. “None.” “So, what’s your answer to your question? Why aren’t more women here?” “Because I didn’t tell them, I didn’t invite them, I didn’t bring them…” he answered. Why isn’t the libertarian movement bigger? How many people have you shared libertarian ideas with in the last seven days? How many people have you forwarded libertarian essays and articles to in the last seven days? How many times have you shared libertarian ideas, essays, and articles with each of them? How many people have you invited to sign up for a free subscription to the Liberator Online? How many people have you invited to support the vital work of the Advocates for Self-Government — so the Advocates can reach and teach more people? What have you done to bring more people into the libertarian movement in the last seven days? What will you do to make the libertarian movement bigger in the next seven days? Why isn’t the libertarian movement more successful? In the last seven days, what have you done to make it more successful? Have you used Advocates tools — like OPH and the World’s Smallest Political Quiz — to effectively reach new people and bring them into the liberty movement? Have you done volunteer work for a libertarian political campaign? Have you donated to the campaign — so they can reach more people? Reading diet books won’t make you thin. Reading exercise books won’t make you fit. Reading libertarian books won’t make you free. If you want a bigger and more successful libertarian movement, YOU must act. Not just once. Regularly, repeatedly, relentlessly. What are YOU going to do?

A Modest Proposal for New Year’s Resolutions

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 19, No. 1 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) We’re now well into the New Year. If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve either made New Year’s resolutions or you’re thinking you ought to make some. “Let’s see. I ought to lose 10 pounds. And I probably ought to stop smoking. Oh yeah, I need to spend more time with my spouse,” you might say. So you write down these items. New Year’s is a good time to improve yourself. And this time you’ll really keep your resolutions. Uh-huh. Why did you pick these resolutions? They’re hard. They’re important. They’re uplifting. And you’d feel really proud of yourself if you actually accomplished them. So you start out with the best of intentions. The highest of hopes. And a grim determination. Then you break one of them. You forget another. Before you know it, your resolutions have you on your back, all four feet in the air, another victim of resolution road kill. You feel guilty. You get a funny-looking grin on your face when your friends ask you, “How are your resolutions coming?” Your self-esteem plummets. Until time lets you forget all about the resolutions. Frankly, this isn’t good for you. It isn’t good for the people you spend time with. But I have a solution. It’s bold, breathtaking, and BIG. It feeds your need to be uplifted. It gives you a steely look and the calm confidence of a poker player holding four Aces. THE BIG TRUTH: Most of your problems are caused by other people. Your life would be a whole lot smoother if other people were way more considerate of your wants and needs. Of your hopes and expectations. Your life would be a whole lot better if other people would stop being so selfish. Always putting themselves first. Always thinking about their problems. Always wanting things their way. Most religions teach that it is better to give than to receive. So what is the greatest gift you can give to others? The opportunity for them to give. THE MODEST PROPOSAL: Write New Year’s Resolutions for other people. Tell them exactly how they can make your life better, and nicer, and happier. Why should you lose 10 pounds? After all, how many times do you look in the mirror each day? They should lose 10 pounds. You look at them more often than you look at yourself. And they should learn to say, “You’re not fat. You’re snuggly.” Why should you stop smoking? They should learn to appreciate the fragrant smell of burning tobacco. And enjoy the process of scooping up ashes that have fallen in the wrong place. And cleaning out ashtrays. Why should you spend more time with your spouse? She should appreciate the spare moments you ration out. After all, the rare is the precious. If diamonds were commonplace, who would value them? If your time were commonplace, would your wife really appreciate you? Remember, most of your problems are caused by other people. That means that most of your solutions can be provided by other people. Unless they insist on selfishness. Maybe your friends don’t call you often enough. Or invite you to dinner regularly. Or listen in rapt attention when you repeat your story for the 11th time. It is better to give than to receive. Help them give. Write their resolutions so that they can learn to give and give and give. Write their resolutions so that they can grow and grow and grow. So they can be more worthy of being your friend. So make up a list of your friends. Write out their New Year’s Resolutions. The resolutions that put you first. The resolutions that make them better friends. Resolutions that let them live to give. If they keep those resolutions, they’ll become stronger and better. If they fail to keep the New Year’s Resolutions you wrote for them, they will feel frustrated. Guilty. They will suffer plummeting self-esteem. Help your friends become better people. Write their New Year’s Resolutions today. Some day they’ll thank you.

Make Your Christmas Joyous — and Libertarian

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 18, No. 24 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) Would it take a miracle to win your family or friends to libertarianism?
liberty christmas ornament
Liberty Christmas Ornament
Christmas is the season of miracles. And you just might cause one by giving your loved one stimulating and fun libertarian gifts this Christmas. Does your family member or friend like movies? Why not buy him a DVD of an entertaining movie with a libertarian theme: “The Americanization of Emily” or “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (the 1950s original) or — if you’re a practicing capitalist — “Atlas Shrugged, The Movie” Parts 1 and 2, and “Other People’s Money.” Unsure of which movie to select? Buy yourself “Miss Liberty’s Guide to Film and Video” from the Advocates this year. It contains over 250 reviews of films that deal with subjects such as free speech, the draft, drug laws, taxation, regulation, sexual liberty, immigration, and many more. Does your sister or brother like fiction? Buy them Give Me Liberty edited by Martin Greenberg and Mark Tier. This collection of libertarian short stories might jump-start a lifetime love affair with liberty. Have them read And Then There Were None by Eric Frank Russell first. You haven’t read it? Get yourself a copy, too. Or try these libertarian classics:
  • The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein.
  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
  • The Last War (Ferret Chronicles) by Richard Bach.
Do they prefer non-fiction books?
  • How I Found Freedom In an Unfree World by Harry Browne can shatter their prejudices and open their minds. It’s available as an ebook at
  • Why Government Doesn’t Work and The Great Libertarian Offer by Harry Browne are simple and direct, engaging and readable books. They make great presents — and you CAN give YOURSELF a Christmas present, too. Also available at the Harry Browne link above.
  • Libertarianism in One Lesson by David Bergland. A short and elegant read, hailed by many critics as “the best short guide to libertarianism available.”
  • Healing Our World by Dr. Mary Ruwart. Do you have progressives or New Agers in your life? This book really connects with them.
  • Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion by Michael Cloud. This is the gift that keeps giving the gift of liberty. It will multiply the effectiveness of every libertarian conversation. This is the perfect gift for the libertarians in your life. Including you. Available from the Advocates.
  • One suggested CD set: “Personal Responsibility is the Price of Liberty,” a 2-CD set that makes a powerful case for the libertarian concept of individual responsibility. Many people who are NOT receptive and responsive to our message of individual liberty open their hearts and minds to personal responsibility.
These are a few popular libertarian Christmas gifts. The Advocates has many more at their Liberty Store, and until the end of the year, they’re available at a huge 30% discount! These are Christmas gifts that may well make a difference in your brother’s or sister’s or friend’s life. Christmas gifts they will cherish for years to come. Make this season one of glad tidings and hope for your loved ones. Make their Christmas joyous — and libertarian!

Don’t Quench Their Thirst with a Fire Hose

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 18, No. 23 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) When someone asks you about libertarianism, how much should you tell them? a) Enough to stimulate their desire for more? b) Enough to satisfy their interest? c) More than they want to know. Everything you know about libertarianism. All too often, libertarians act on answer “c.” We quench their thirst… with a fire hose. We give them too much information, too fast. They can’t absorb it. Can’t digest it. “The secret of being a bore is to tell all you know,” wrote Voltaire. Burying our listeners with information numbs their minds and turns them off. Drowning them with unfamiliar assertions, ideas, facts, and thinking — intimidates and overwhelms them. When “too much” fails, “almost enough” succeeds. Why? Because “almost enough to satisfy” is “enough to stimulate their appetite for more.” This is the key: Almost enough. Less than enough. “Less than enough” whets their hunger for more information about libertarianism. “Less than enough” stimulates their thirst for more. “Less than enough” arouses their desire to learn more.

The Power of One

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 18, No. 22 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) One may be all you need. You may be only one request away from funding for your libertarian project. You may be just one phone call away from recruiting a great libertarian candidate. You may be one email request away from enrolling 50 campaign volunteers in just one day. You may be one fundraising letter away from raising the first $100,000 for your Libertarian campaign. You may be one meme away from reaching 1,000,000 people hungry for what you’re offering. You may be one paradigm-shifting campaign slogan away from winning 308,860 votes in Massachusetts: “small government is beautiful.” You may be one simple idea away from rotating the X-axis, Y-axis Nolan graph into the Diamond Chart on the World’s Smallest Political Quiz — and capturing the imagination of tens of millions. One idea. One person. One action. One-derful.  

The Assault of Laughter

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 18, No. 21 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) In politics and economics, there are hundreds of different ways of responding to ideas and proposals you disagree with. Humor is one powerful way. It dissolves tension. It changes the tone of the conversation. It’s fun. And many people love to share a good joke. Mark Twain wrote, “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” H.L. Mencken wrote, “One horse laugh is worth 10,000 syllogisms.” Both proved it in their writing. So did Ambrose Bierce in The Devil’s Dictionary. So does P.J. O’Rourke today. Free-market pamphleteer Frederic Bastiat sometimes used humor to skewer bad economic ideas. Read his marvelous essays “The Candlemakers’ Petition” and “The Negative Railroad.” Hilarious — and more relevant today than when he wrote them. Consider a famous example from politics. In the 1984 Presidential campaign, a growing number of people believed that Ronald Reagan was too old for a second term. During a televised debate with 56-year-old Walter Mondale, 73-year-old Ronald Reagan put the issue to rest with a quip: “I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience.” Even Mondale laughed. Want to use humor against Big Government ideas? 1. Recognizing a good political joke — and sharing it – is easier than making one up. So when you hear or read a good joke or humorous remark about Big Government, write it down or otherwise save it. Email it to friends. Tell it to people in the office. Same with a funny quote or a libertarian online meme or video. If it’s good, some of them will in turn pass it on. If it’s great, it could go viral. 2. Read a collection of political wit and humor — and substitute your target for theirs. Great Political Wit by Robert Dole is a good place to start. 3. If you want to learn how to build a joke or write comedy, read New Comedy Writing Step-by-Step by Gene Perret. You’ll learn and laugh. I studied with Mr. Perret in the 1980s. He’s a master comedy writer. Or Comedy Writing Secrets by Mel Helitzer and Mark Shatz. It’s very good. In a world of self-important, know-it-all politicians and pundits, we need more humor. At their expense. In a world where every issue is crucial, where every election is the most important ever, where our failure to elect this golden candidate could destroy Western civilization… we need laughter. In a world of bloated big government balloons… you can be a pin.

Is Your Libertarian Activism “Only a Drop in the Bucket”?

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 18, No. 20 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) “Why are you even bothering to support the Advocates?” asks your friend. “Your support is only a drop in the bucket.” “Why are you volunteering to work at an Operation Politically Homeless booth?” asks your college roommate. “One day at an OPH booth and you might help 40 or 50 people recognize that they lean libertarian – but that’s just a drop in the bucket.” “Why are you forwarding Liberator Online articles to a dozen friends and coworkers?” asks one of your recipients. “Even if you win one person over to libertarianism – it’s only one person. Just a drop in the bucket.” “Only a drop in the bucket” means tiny, trivial, insignificant, can’t-make-a-difference, a waste of time… futile! “Only a drop in the bucket” is intended to needle you, push your buttons, embarrass you, and make you feel stupid for doing what you’re doing. It’s designed to goad you into STOPPING what you’re doing. But the “only a drop in the bucket” objection forgets that some small actions are independently powerful and have a huge impact. One small stone from David’s sling brought down Goliath. One small glass of water can save the life of a man dying of thirst. One square inch of Kevlar can save the life of a police officer. More. One small action can set in motion massive consequences. One last snowflake can trigger an avalanche. A final straw can break a camel’s back. CNBC’s Rick Santelli’s five-minute 2/19/09 economic rant from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange ignited the Tea Party movement. More. One small action by one person PLUS one small action by others can total up to something far bigger. Buckets can be slowly – or very quickly – filled by such drops. How many drops does it take to fill a one-gallon bucket? Drop sizes vary. Depending on the size of the drop, it takes between 75,708 drops and 90,840 drops to fill a one-gallon bucket. Using the 90,840 drops in a gallon number, if every subscriber to the Liberator Online puts “only one libertarian drop in the bucket” into that bucket, today, tomorrow, and the next day – we will overflow the bucket in less than three days. You and I and our fellow Liberator Online readers ALONE can overfill 141 one-gallon buckets every year. And… we are NOT alone. There are all the activist libertarians in the Libertarian Party PLUS roughly 400,000 registered Libertarian voters in America. PLUS the millions of young libertarians who campaigned and voted for Ron Paul for president in 2012. PLUS the 15,700,000 votes that were cast for Libertarian Party candidates in 2012. Plus the libertarian campus organizations blossoming across America. PLUS the thousands who support CATO and Reason and the Independent Institute and FreedomFest. And the blogs, the newsletters, the podcasts, the videos, the letters to editors… Your “one libertarian drop in the bucket” each day or week helps fill bucket after bucket after bucket for liberty. And gets us closer and closer to freedom in our time.

The Reverse

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 18, No. 19 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) Tired of long, drawn-out arguments about government? Worn out from explaining why government fails and makes things worse? What if you could convince your listener to persuade himself about libertarianism? What if you could persuade him to marshal compelling and convincing evidence and arguments that would change his mind about libertarianism? Persuade himself? How? The Reverse. Instead of telling him what’s right with liberty and wrong with government, ask him. “What’s one thing that government does now that you think it definitely should not do?” Or: “What’s one activity that government engages in that it should stop doing?” Or: “What’s one government program that’s a dismal failure or a waste of money that government ought to shut down?” Then ask, “Why?” After he tells you why, ask him to tell you more. Ask him to elaborate and expand. To tell you about the consequences of the bad program. To give you examples. Then play Devil’s Advocate. Ask him how he would respond to possible objections. “Suppose someone said X, how would you answer that objection?” “Suppose someone said Y, how would you answer that objection?” He will argue himself into a libertarian position. And he will give you the evidence and arguments that are most convincing to him. The Reverse lets your listener pick the part of government that he’s most opposed to, do your arguing for you, and in the process intensify his opposition. How and why does it work?
  1. It begins with what your listener already believes. It respects his beliefs and values.
  2. It creates rapport. Agreement. You both agree that government should abandon this activity or program.
  3. As Pascal wrote, “We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others.”
  4. As Win Wenger writes in The Einstein Factor: “The sheer act of expressing our thoughts on some subject causes us to learn more about that subject, even when no new information has been provided from without.”
Why does The Reverse work? To truly learn a subject, teach it. To help our listeners learn, we must ask them to teach.

4 Big Factors That Make More People More Receptive to Libertarianism

(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 18, No. 18 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) What really changes people’s minds about libertarianism? Sometimes it’s what you say. Sometimes it’s how you say it. Sometimes it’s who you say it to. Very often, it’s what’s going on with Big Government… while you’re having the libertarian conversation. And it’s 4 big factors. You can express it as a formula: P2C2. That’s Big Government Problems, Pain, Costs and Consequences. Big Problems caused or sustained by Big Government. Massive unemployment. Huge amounts of time wasted complying with government paperwork, rules, and resolutions. Huge Social Security problems. Big Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare problems. And don’t forget the problems created by the problems. Intense Pain caused or sustained by Big Government. Overwhelming pain. Caused by Big Government problems — or trying to cope with with the problems. The pain of paying 47% of your income in taxes. The pain caused by trying to understand and correctly fill out government paperwork, trying to understand and comply with government regulations. Throbbing pain as you fill out forms for your small business, enroll your children in public schools, and as you fill out government paperwork… while waiting to see a doctor. Ballooning Costs of Big Government programs — or complying with them. Big Government puts the POUND into the comPOUNDing costs of everything it touches. Welfare, warfare, regulation, mandates, and more. Ever-growing costs that squeeze every last dollar out of your family income and savings. Cascading Consequences of Big Government policies and programs. Marijuana prohibition promotes gangs and gang violence that fosters more drug enforcement cops and costs, more arrests and prosecutions, and massive numbers of long-term prisoners serving time in jails and prisons for selling, possessing, or buying marijuana or other drugs. U.S. government foreign wars, gunboat diplomacy, occupation forces, military aid to foreign despots create new enemies, are often paid for by overspending, inflation, and debt. Consequences — all of which hurt taxpayers, weaken the economy, and flush American wealth into bottomless sewers. Want to make people far more receptive and responsive to your libertarian suggestions and solutions? Want to amplify the impact of your persuasive libertarian proposals? P2C2. Big Government Problems, Pain, Costs and Consequences. First, show and tell them how huge, intense, extensive and expensive the Big Government policies and programs are. Second, tell them: “This is America. Birthplace of freedom. We can do way better than this.” Third, offer them libertarian solutions. Freedom remedies that reduce and remove the root cause of the huge problems, pain, costs, and consequences: Big Government programs. Fourth, tell them the huge, immediate, direct benefits of reducing and removing these wasteful and harmful Big Government programs: dramatically less burden on them and their families, radically lower taxes and higher take-home pay for them, their co-workers and their neighbors — and ever-growing economic, social, and personal liberty for all of us. Fifth, let them know that that’s just a taste of libertarianism — and ask them if they’d like to find out more. Sixth, if they say “yes” to learning more about liberty, see that they get immediately some great introductory material. Books such as Libertarianism In One Lesson by David Bergland or Healing Our World by Mary Ruwart. Free online information about libertarianism and the liberty movement — the Advocates has lots of good introductory material at our website, under the tab “Libertarianism: What You Need to Know.” A free subscription to the Liberator Online. You’ll be glad you did.

The Libertarian Progress That Might Have Been

(From the Persuasion Powerpoint section in Volume 18, No. 15 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: “It might have been!” — John Greenleaf Whittier
Near the end of your life, you may have a chance to look back — and see what might have been. For your personal life. And for your libertarian life. You will probably regret a number of things you did — or failed to do. And wish you’d have made a different choice — a better one. Looking back, what regrets might you have about your current libertarian choices and actions? Will you regret participating in the libertarian movement — or wish you had been more involved? Operation Politically Homeless in ActionWill you regret spending an afternoon working at an Operation Politically Homeless booth — or sadly wish you had spent a day or two or three sharing the World’s Smallest Political Quiz? Will you regret reading Libertarianism in One Lesson, Healing Our World and a half dozen other libertarian classics — or will you wish you’d shared these books with curious high school or college students? Will you rue the day you donated $20 or $50 or $80 to the Advocates to help reach out to college students with our libertarian ideas and insights — or will you sadly wish you have given more… so the Advocates could do more? Will you feel bitterness and anger over the time and money you spent attending an Advocates communication seminar — or will you wish you could relive the experience? You don’t have to wait until it’s too late. You don’t have to wait until regret and sad might-have-beens fill your heart. Simply take five minutes alone — and imagine that you’re ninety and near the end of your life. Look at this day, this year through those eyes. Look at your libertarian choices and actions. Then make the libertarian choice you will NOT regret. The libertarian choice that will delight and please you today. The one that you’ll look back on with a smile — or tears of joy. As you take these actions, you’ll be growing the libertarian movement — and advancing the cause of freedom. And if enough of us do this today, tomorrow, this year and next… you may reach the last days of your life in a libertarian America. And you will be glad for the libertarian progress. * * * * * * * * Michael Cloud’s brand-new book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion. In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.