The NRA Should Probably Listen to Trump

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“Marijuana sales for flower containing up to 35 percent THC will be taxed at 10 percent. There will be a 25 percent tax on products containing more than 35 percent THC. And cannabis-infused products will be taxed at 20 percent. That’s in addition to the state’s 6.25 percent sales tax; local jurisdictions have the option to impose another 3.5 percent tax.”Indeed, marijuana products, or any other products, for that matter, should not be taxed or at least they should be taxed at low rates. These flaws notwithstanding, this new legislation marks a significant break from the draconian Drug War which has created a mass incarceration pipeline while destroying the civil liberties of millions of Americans since the Drug War was waged in earnest starting in the 1970s. This legislation is a step in the right direction. The flaws of SB2275 can be corrected in future instances and could serve as opportunities for free-market leaders to position their libertarian ideas on taxes and regulation. However, all libertarians can come to an agreement that the Drug War needs to go and SB2275 continues this positive trend.
“When I teach Marx, it’s got a lot to do with questions of how to think critically about history. Marx says we live under capitalism [but] capitalism has not always existed.”The former professor concluded, “It’s something that came into being and something that, as a result, just on a logical level, could disappear, could be overthrown, could be abolished, could be irrelevant. There’s this myth of the free market, but Marx shows very clearly that capitalism emerged through a state of violence.” The Teen Vogue article ended on the following note:
“While you may not necessarily identify as a Marxist, socialist, or communist, you can still use Karl Marx’s ideas to use history and class struggles to better understand how the current sociopolitical climate in America came to be. Instead of looking at President Donald Trump’s victory in November 2016 as a snapshot, we can turn to the bigger picture of what previous events lead us up to the current moment.”What this piece illustrates is that Marxist ideas are still relevant, but the modern-day Left in developed countries has effectively pivoted in its strategy. Although there are still countries like Venezuela who embody the classical Marxist garrison state, Western leftists have become more creative in their tactics. What would have been anathema to past generations of leftists, they are now pressuring corporations to push identity politics and virtue signaling about the latest politically correct trend. They have now opened up a new battlefield that most people are still having trouble adjusting to. The identity politics paradigm we live in is “culturally” Marxist, where historically oppressed groups—women, minorities, and the LGBT community—suffer at the hands of so-called “white privilege.” These allegedly “disadvantaged” groups will then rally against the boogieman of white privilege. This is different from the socioeconomic focus of traditional Marxism. Nevertheless, it shares a toxic disregard for individualism and focuses on group conflict i.e Bourgeois vs. Proletarian or “oppressed minorities” vs. white privilege. This runs contrary to what made societies like America great. Marx’s strategies and overall blueprints may not be faithfully being followed, but his ugly legacy of collectivism continues to haunt political corridors worldwide.
It is my belief that any person leading the FDA … must, first and foremost, feel a deep sense of responsibility to protect the health and well-being of all Americans, especially our nation’s children. Unfortunately, based on our meeting, I do not have confidence that you are that leader.Durbin advised the Acting FDA chief to follow through with the enforcement of the FDA’s “deeming rule” which bars non-FDA approved e-cigarette products from hitting the market after August 8, 2016. He then noted that “new products are coming to market seemingly daily” without receiving the FDA’s approval. Durbin asserts that “FDA has not ordered the removal of a single product for this violation.” For Durbin, the way Juul has entered the market is completely unacceptable: It defies logic that a federal regulatory agency, such as FDA, would not have an understanding of which products are on the market legally and which are on the market illegally. Durbin then called for the FDA to remove all e-cigarette products that were not available on the market before the 2016 deeming rule came into effect. Whether e-cigarettes are healthy or not, is beside the point. The government has no authority to be stepping in and micro-managing people’s private affairs. If there is evidence to demonstrate the harmfulness of such products, civil society can step in to help alleviate those consequences. Freedom comes with responsibility, and private actors have proven time and time again to be able to build solutions to societal ills. On top of that, such interventions cause consequences that the regulators don’t anticipate. The drug sector is one which is filled with accounts of certain types of prohibitions leading consumers to use more dangerous drug alternatives. One of the most notable cases of this trend took place during the Prohibition Era when people started consuming the more dangerous variant of bathtub gin. In their zeal to do something, these kinds of consequences are never considered by the political class. The current nature of politics is to reward short-term actions masquerading as solutions that ultimately morph into a whole different set of problems in the long-run. Long-term analysis has completely flown out the window in today’s era shock politics. Sadly, our current society has lost its imagination and impulsively turns to the State to solve almost every problem.