Gallup Polls: Trust in Federal Government Hits All-Time Low
(From the Intellectual Ammunition section in Volume 18, No. 19 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
“Americans’ trust and confidence in the federal government’s ability to solve problems internationally as well as domestically has fallen to historic lows this year.”
So reports Gallup, summarizing the results of an early September poll. Gallup has been tracking this question since 1973.
Their latest poll finds that just 49 percent of Americans have a “great deal” or “fair” amount of confidence in the federal government to handle international problems. And only 42 percent of Americans have a “great deal” or “fair” amount of confidence in the federal government to handle issues at home.
Similarly, another September Gallup poll finds a majority — and another record number — of Americans believe the government is too powerful.
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