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2025 Version

Political Quiz

Where do you stand politically? Answer the following questions to discover your politicaly identity.
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Political Typology

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#1 Quiz

In Politics

Used by thousands of student groups and political organizations.

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The Nolan Chart

Escape conservative vs. progressive politics to get a deeper understanding.

Personal Issues




Government should not censor speech, press, or internet content–directly or indirectly.?
Government censorship is the suppression or control of information, ideas, or opinions by authorities, limiting free expression and access to information. Indirect censorship involves pressure or threats made by government against individuals or media outlets.

Adults should have full bodily autonomy, meaning government should not interfere with decisions affecting their bodies.?
Bodily autonomy is the freedom to control one’s own body. Government infringement occurs when authorities restrict personal choices about health, identity, or reproduction. Examples include sex work, vaccinations, recreational drugs, and the military draft.

Government should not monitor personal conversations, correspondence, or search private property without a warrant.?
Government surveillance, search, and seizure involve monitoring, inspecting, or taking private property or information. Warrants are legal orders needed to justify these actions and protect privacy rights.

There should be no laws against public assembly nor government control of peaceful, private association.?
Freedom of association is the right to join or form groups freely. Government infringement occurs when authorities restrict, monitor, or penalize peaceful group activities or memberships.

Law enforcement should focus resources on crimes against innocent persons and property instead of victimless crimes.?
Crimes with victims include robbery, rape, and murder, while victimless crimes include drug use or sex work.

Economic Issues




Government should stay out of healthcare, allowing people to form and choose health plans, associations, and charities freely.?
Implications of restricting government from the healthcare sector mean no nation wide “single-payer” or socialized healthcare models would be permitted.

Let parents educate their children according to their beliefs and preferences, free from government interference.?
In the US and other countries, governments implement compuslory attendance laws, standardized curricula, and state testing requirements. Children are generally required to attend school until a certain age, and public schools follow state-mandated curricula that may not align with parent's values or beliefs.

Replace government welfare with private charity and mutual aid.?
Government welfare is publicly funded aid distributed to individuals through taxes, overseen by state agencies. Examples include food assistance, unemployment benefits, and healthcare subsidies. Private charity and mutual aid are voluntary, community-driven support systems funded by inviduals, organizations, or local groups.

Central banks should be abolished, allowing people to freely choose and exchange their preferred currencies.?
Central banks are government-authorized institutions that control the nation's monetary policy and supply of money in the economy. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve is mandated with promoting maximum employment and stable prices. Centralized control over money is subject to political influence, market distortions, and government interference in ways that free-market money and free banking systems would not be.

Lift government restrictions on economic activity and enable courts to adjudicate civil and criminal law violations.?
Free production and exchange include cross-border trade, market determined wages, and the absence of price controls.

Bonus Issues


Which label best reflects your views?
Which political slogan appeals to you most?